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Our Loans

We provide efficient cross custody, investment backed lending solutions on conservative lending principles secured against liquid financial assets. We embed ourselves within wealth managers and investment platforms so that they retain the control and the assets and ensure a seamless client journey but can be set up easily.

Get in touch to find out about how we can help you attract and retain AUM

Annual Revolving Facility with flexible drawdown

Secured against investment portfolios with maximum of 50% Loan to Value

Actual LTV of each asset assessed based on liquidity, volatility, currency & diversification of assets

Quick access to funding with decisions in less than 24 hours and funds within 72 hours in most cases

Interest rates ranging from BASE + 1.95% - 3.25%

0.35 – 0.50% application fee and 0.20 – 0.35% renewal fee

Currently offering loans from £65k to £5m

Wide range of purposes available with the exception of renovation of a residential property in the UK

Currently High Net Worth Borrowers only

Firenze Group Ltd is in the process of preparing for FCA Authorisation which, if successful, will enable us to offer Regulated Credit Agreements that reduces the £65k minimum to £25k, removes the restriction on property renovations as a loan purpose and opens up our solutions to none HNW borrowers.


Firenze Group Ltd is a Company registered in England & Wales with a registered address of 41 New Cross Street, Swinton, Manchester, M27 4TU and company number of 14904479. Firenze Group Ltd has been registered with the FCA under the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 under unique identifying numer 1024068. Firenze Group Ltd is not yet authorised by the FCA but is in the process of applying for Authorisation for Article 60B (1) and Article 60B (2) permissions under the Regulated Activities Order. Until such time as Firenze Group Ltd is authorised we currently only enter into credit agreements that are exempt agreements under Article 60H of the Regulated Activities Order.

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